planet [print] artwork / flow in the dark, planet X / 27/05/2020 inkjet-print on paper, 50x50cm, op aluminium
growth [edit] artwork / D.F. Wallace, Deleuze, Guattari, ordenador líquido, Revelador líquido, smooth and striated, Spinoza / 04/12/2019
smooth and striated #8299 artwork / Deleuze, Guattari, perception of space, smooth and striated / 30/08/2018
visuals poems without words artwork, blog / ordenador líquido, perception of space, zigzag / 12/07/2018 30×30 cm, inkjet
delta blues artwork / Deleuze, Guattari, ordenador líquido, rhizome, Spinoza, zigzag / 29/06/2018 inkjetprint op fine-art papier op aluminium, 50×50 cm