
Een fraai werk van Maurizio Montalti, onderdeel van de expositie Paddenstoelen Paradijs in Mediamatic.

Het is letterlijk een levend kunstwerk terwijl het ook refereert aan de dood. Voor sommigen misschien te letterlijk, maar ik hou er wel van. En het is mooi.

naked line

I wish a had a better camera with me, when I shot this (with my phone). The line on and under the foam work great together.

fotoboek over fotoboeken

De omslag maakte me al verlekkerd. En binnenin was het ook een feest. Vooral afbeeldingen van Latijns Amerikaanse fotoboeken. Het is evenzeer een boek over boekvormgeving als fotografie.

Omdat ik zelf graag foto’s van foto’s maak spreekt het concept me extra aan.


naked couch

It’s getting a sub-genre within the urban series. It also seems like a craze, they show up everywhere in the neighborhood: stripped couches! What does this mean? Do I have to get worried walking the streets? Should I strip my own couch?


Club Trouw Amsterdam has special acoustics. It’s a former printer works for newspapers. It is a big space with zero resonance. It appears to be a great location for electronic music. Thursday 19 April there were performances by Marc Bain and Alva Noto. Bot did incredible things with their sounds in the  hall. Marc Bain was even able to interrupt the voices of the audiance. (In the Netherlands people seem to go to concerts to meet friends and talk a lot.) He sliced the audiences sound in little pieces, like  a stroboscopic effect.

Alva Noto played a ruthless set with great visuals. The sounds were crystal clear and sharp. I’ve several of his records, but never heard his sound so good.

The night was organised witt the Stedelijk Museum.

Museum of museums

‘It’s also a museum of museums, all museums were like this’ told a mother to her child. I don’t know if she was right. But is certainly a collectors dream the Pitt Rivers museum Oxford. A hall full op glass showcases, each with a different theme. The human figure in Art, Reed instruments, Weaving tools, you name it, it’s there. A history of mankind and its tools and activities.

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