
In conclusion, I hope that this mediocrity conditioned by too many factors foreign to art per se, will this time bring a revolution on the ascetic level, of which the general public will not even be aware and which only a few initiates will develop on the fringe of a world blinded by economic fireworks.

The great artist of tomorrow will go underground.
[Marcel Duchamp, Where do we go from here? 1960]


Let u sconsider two important factors, the two poles of creation of art: the artist on one hand, and on the other the spectator who later becomes the posterity.

To all appearances, the artist acts like a mdiumistic being who ,from the labyrint beyound time and space, seeks his way to a clearing.
[Marcel Duchamp, The Creative Act, 1957]


Thus, a work becomes an apparition, not of reality but of a changing appearance of reality. The creator must always keep hi sdistance and maintain his neutrality, setting aside his specific likes and taste. In this way the work will be generated by desire, but the result i sunlikely to be as specific as that desire.
[Gloria Moure: Marcel Duchamp, works | writings | interviews]


Robert Ryman beweerde dat kunst maken “een mirakel oplevert” – in de kunst van Willy de Sauter is dat niet anders. Willy de Sauter imiteert de natuur niet; het is de natuur die zorgt voor de wispelturige schoonheid van zijn compromisloze kunstproductie die op een weergeloze manier in het licht van de wereld “verschijnt”.
[Luk Lambrecht in willy de sauter, catalogus 2013]


The idea of being reasonable to me that’s the real jewel in the human crown. And part of being reasonable is being responsible. To think something through thorougly without the compromises of personal ambition or the comforts of personal bias.
[Robert Orwin in conversation with Lawrence Weschler]

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