sonic acts 2012

On the picture: Carl Michael von Hausswolff performing in Paradiso, the second day of Sonic Acts 2012.

This  years Sonic Acts  had a good exhibition at NIMK  and great performances in Paradiso and other venues. I didn’t find the lecture program interesting. To much history, a little science fiction would have been welcome. And more philosophy. A speaker from CERN would have been inspiring, a neuroscientist too. We’re living in exiting times and the theme Travelling Time was very promising.

A few thousand years ago people probably knew more about time than we do today, but we’re catching up I think.

Looking forward to Sonic Acts XV.


In doen/werken ontwikkelt men kennis. In lezen ontwikkelt men kennis. Louter studeren leidt niet tot kennis. Zijn boeken een bron van kennis of moet de kennis in ons hoofd ontstaan?

Wat is kennis? Inzicht, feitenkennis? Op school moest ik feitenkennis uit de geschiedenis leren. Dat lukte prima, maar een paar dagen na een toets was dat weer verdwenen. Ik denk dat geschiedenis in de vorm van verhalen langer beklijft dan in de vorm van datumlijsten.

foto’s fotograferen

uit spacy, film van Takashi Ito

Het levert soms mooie plaatjes op, maar het blijft een onnozel gedoe dat fotograferen van films en foto’s.

we disconnect eachother

foghole (picture during performance of Yutaka Makino)

Duncan Speakman,  about walkmans/iphones.

We also disconnect ourselves form our surroundings while connecting to someone by phone. The difference between private and public space is changing. People talk about intimate things in public space, surrounded by other people who have no relationship to them.


The main reason why conferences like Sonic Acts are so great is the inspiration they bring. Listening to artists and scientists who talk about their work with passion brings new ideas and gives a stimulus to think and create. The artists in Sonic Acts have insight in their work and are willing to share it.

Annea Lockwood

During the day-program artists talked about their works and their ideas and in the evening  we could experience the work in Paradiso.

Naut Humon

Thinking and creativity. Science and art. What was the most inspirational for me was the open exchange between people. It was not thinking ‘out of the box’, none of us had any interest in boxes :).

making pictures of pictures


A rather silly activity during the Sonic Acts 2010 festival: making pictures of performances and presentations. What makes it even more silly is the compact camera I used. So I end up with low quality pictures of screened pictures by others. They are useful in helping me remember information the speakers  brought. But it didn’t bring me a visual overview of the festival.

presentation by Raviv Ganchrow

onderduiken in licht en geluid

Komende dagen ben ik op het Sonic Acts festival. Vier dagen lang ondergedompeld in electronische klanken, omgevingsgeluiden, omringd door speakers, kijkend naar al of niet abstracte beelden en luisterend naar boeiende sprekers. De fotocamera gaat mee. Wilt u horen waarmee mijn oren verwend worden download dan mooie tracks op de site van Monolake.

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